Sunday, 4 December 2016

Development Process and tool in JDK.

Development Process

  • Development always perform three task in their development process
    • Writing the source code.
    • Compilation of the source code.
    • Testing (execution) of the compiled code.
[Note: - in the JDK doesn’t provide any IDE (integrated development environment) we have to install them separately. IDE’s of java Ex: - netbeans, Eclipse, Myeclipse. ]

Now we can write the source code in the notepad or any other text editor and we can use the development tools in the MSDOS.

Development Tool in the JDK
  1. JAVA TOOLS: - This tool is the java compiler that is used to compile the source code and generate the byte code.
  2. JAVA TOOL: - This is use to start the JVM to run the byte code.
    • JVM started
    • .class file loaded into the JVM
    • Executable code prepared
    • Executable code to provide to the operating system by the JVM for the execution.
  3. JAVAP: - This tool is use to list out the details of any class.
  4. JAVADOC: - This tool is use to create the technical documentation of the java classes.
  5. JARTOOL: - This tool is use to make the .jar file.

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